
(614) 964-5094

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Bone Grafting

To ensure important procedures are successful, like implants or extractions, our dentists may recommend including a bone graft. Bone grafting is used to augment or regenerate bone in the jaw when bone loss occurs due to tooth loss, gum disease, or other dental conditions. During a bone grafting procedure, the dentist or oral surgeon places bone graft material into the deficient area of the jawbone. This graft material can be sourced from the patient’s own bone, a donor, or a synthetic material. Over time, the body naturally integrates the graft with the existing bone, stimulating new bone growth and creating a stronger foundation for dental implants or other tooth replacement options.   

Bone grafting is crucial for patients seeking dental implants, as a healthy and sufficient jawbone is essential for successful implant placement and long-term stability. By undergoing bone grafting, patients can restore lost bone volume, improve their oral health, and achieve a stable and durable solution for missing teeth.

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